Absolutely loved these! Pleased to discover your Substack today :-)

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Thank you Tom!!

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These photos are so lovely! The tones are beautiful.

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Thank you so much!!

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Thanks, much appreciated. Look forward to seeing the results of your b/w adventures .

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A really lovely, delicate, set of images, instantly recognizable….you have inspired me to work in colour more. (terrible sentence, but you know what I mean!!).

After a recent trip, some new images on my site: alistairdunn.com “Jamaica”.

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Sooo many beautiful shots in there, Alistair!! The black and white hand with the water drops falling - wow!! The richness of your black and white always impresses me! It inspires me to shoot some rolls of black and white film, which I’ve been thinking about doing a lot lately.

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Beautiful images, I particularly love the first image….

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